Oxalis obtusa weed

Johannes-Ulrich Urban johannes-ulrich-urban@t-online.de
Tue, 28 Jan 2020 05:07:13 PST
Hello Jane,

Getting rid of oxalis in the wrong place is quite a job....

I have the following experience: for Oxalis corniculata which likes to self seed into pots, newly acquired plants often come with it..... it is easy to pull up if you can get at it. In clump forming cacti this is impossible. In this case I use a fine paintbrush and paint one or two leaves with non diluted glyphosate. Greatest care must of course be taken not to touch the host plant and not to let any amount drip. It works very well but is practically the only moment I use it because I do not like this stuff. And Oxalis corniculata is not tuberous but heavily self seeds.

Another issue is Oxalis pes-caprae which is a solid “ground cover“ in some places in the garden. The best method to get rid of it is excluding light during one growing season. Oxalis forms a new bulb every season and needs light to do so. This also means pulling up a fully grown individual will also weaken it but not kill it completely. Here in Portugal the advice I was given is that the best time to pull up Oxalis is just before flowering because at this stage the underground reserve is its smallest.
Maybe you can wrap black plastic or aluminum foil around your plants in order to let the wanted one get light but cover the Oxalis?

And especially for this reason I NEVER reuse my potting compost as I have an Oxalis collection......

Maybe this helps....

Bye for now 


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