Donation SX 467

Johannes Ulrich Urban via pbs
Mon, 06 Jul 2020 07:18:01 PDT
Dear All,

Due to the delay in air mail during the COVID pandemic, my donation is 
only offered now by Luminita.

I would like to comment on some of the items.

Some of the items need immediate attention on receipt: they are Begonia 
martiana bulbili and Dioscorea tubers. They should still be viable but 
must not be stored any longer: give them a soak in lukewarm water over 
night and pot them the next day. The Begonia being Mexican has only 
started to grow recently. Diosorea needs some bottom heat to start, its 
growth cycle is rather long in autumn but it eventually goes completely 
dormant in winter and must then be kept dry. A vigorous vine with 
beautiful foliage.

All 3 Dahlia seed should not be sown in hot conditions, all come from 
humid and moist montane forests. If you live in a comparable climate 
they can be sown, they are all winter flowering and need a frost free 
environment anyway. These seeds should be viable until this autumn or 
next early spring. All three belong to the tree Dahlia group.

Tradescantia boliviana is NOT a creeper or a hanging basket plant but an 
upright tuberous perennial. If sown immediately it may still produce a 
reasonably sized plant, but I recomment keeping some of the seed till 
next spring. It needs as much sun as possible, lots of water while 
growing but must have a totally dry winter rest, otherwise the fleshy 
roots will rot. A magnificent long flowering plant with pink flowers 
loved by insects.

Seed of the two Zantedeschias is best kept untilĀ  spring next spring. 
They are summer growers and may not be able to form a tuber big enough 
to survive the first dormancy. Z. jucuda is a magnificent bright yellow 
with spotted leaves and Z. albomaculata is an elegant white flowerd with 
arrow shaped pretty leaves, also spotted, originally from Ellen Hornig, 
thank you, Ellen!

Hope that helps!

Bye for now


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