Today I Divided the Crinum

Judy Glattstein via pbs
Mon, 06 Jul 2020 10:48:30 PDT
The Major Thing I Did Today
I divided the large pot of crinum. I knew this would be a (apologies to 
female dogs) b*tch of a job. It involved setting up work area over by 
tool shed. Wrestling crinum and offsets out of a 13 inch diameter pot. 
As I thought the soil was a solid mass of roots. It took two spading 
forks back to back to start prying the smaller offsets away from each other.

Took the second largest crinum bulb down to tropical garden at the 
bottom of the driveway and planted it. Severe root damage. It was 
planted very deeply, watered in stages - first when set in hole, then 
when partially back-filled, and finally after filling and mulching. It 
is supposed to rain this afternoon, again tomorrow, and also on 
Wednesday. I set a tall plastic garbage can with no top or bottom over 
it (looks like a very large cylinder) for some protection against 
transplant shock. It might winter over. We shall see.

Pried largest bulb - the one with with pseudostem and whirligig of 
leaves 3 feet high - free of entanglements and potted in a different, 
nicer pot. Potted seven smaller divisions. They had better find new 
homes before winter because there is simply no room in the greenhouse 
for them.

And now - right now I am drinking a large mug of yesterday's solar tea 
with the last of the limeade concentrate (made lemonade concentrate 
yesterday) while the sweat dries and the acetaminophen kicks in. Then I 
shall shower and go soak my head. After which I will wash bluejeans. 
There's enough dirt on this pair that they could possible stand up on 
their own.

Judy in summery western New Jersey where the weather station up on the 
roof reportsĀ  current temperature of 96.3 degrees Fahrenheit

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