French grey shallot

Jane McGary via pbs
Sat, 04 Jul 2020 11:05:48 PDT
In fall 2018 I planted bulbs of the French grey shallot, which is 
identified in different websites as a variety of Allium cepa subsp. 
aggregatum or as a species Allium oschaninii. In summer 2019 I lifted 
some and found they had produced very many, very small offsets, too 
small to use. I left them in over this past winter and now they've gone 
dormant again, but the first ones I lifted, though a little larger, 
would still be a challenge to peel for cooking. Has anyone had success 
with these? Do they ever get to a manageable size to peel like a red 
shallot, or would one just have to parboil them and slip the skins? One 
website recommends an organic mulch, so I'll try that later in the 
summer, before they resprout.

I hope these food bulbs don't require as much patience as, say, the 
Rhodophiala splendens that has just put up a flowering scape after being 
sown in 2014. Or the Fritillaria cirrhosa that never seems to put on any 
size, but has stayed alive since 2010.

Jane McGary, Portland, Oregon, USA

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