NEW SX/BX Director

Robin Hansen
Mon, 02 Mar 2020 13:41:35 PST
The PBS Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Luminita Vollmer of
Bloomington, MN as the new SX/BX Director.  We'll be back in business
shortly as we need to make arrangements for equipment to be delivered and to
sort out a few details regarding the process of the exchanges.


Luminita comes to us with extensive background in computers, plants, lilies
and bulbs in particular, and a great deal of experience in working as a team
and on her own. She also grows her own vegetables and other plants too
numerous to mention.


I will make an announcement about the details and then the board will waive
the green flag and step aside to let Luminita move forward.  Give us a
couple of weeks to iron out details and get organized.  I know you've been
waiting anxiously for the exchange to start again.  Just be aware that in
order not to place too heavy a burden on one person, some requirements for
donations and distributions will change to some degree.


Welcome to spring!


Robin Hansen

President, PBS


Hansen Nursery


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