Is Herbertia online?

ds429 via pbs
Sat, 09 May 2020 13:31:52 PDT
 When did Herb say that?


     On Saturday, May 9, 2020, 04:00:26 PM EDT, Tim Eck via pbs <> wrote:  
 Herb said it would all be online shortly.

On Sat, May 9, 2020 at 3:39 PM Michael Mace via pbs <> wrote:

> I think several of us reached out to the IBS at various times. In 2013,
> soon
> after the IBS and its website shut down, I talked with Herb Kelly, the guy
> who had been in charge of it. He had saved a backup of the website (which
> had a lot of articles) and was very confident that they were going to
> restart the org and post everything themselves.
> Google Books has scanned some old issues of Herbertia, back to 1984. But it
> doesn't have permission from the IBS to expose the full text; all you can
> get is little snippets.
> Does anyone know Herb? I'll try pinging him again, but it might work best
> if
> someone has a personal relationship with him.
> By the way, I think we're in a similar situation right now with the
> Indigenous Bulb Association of South Africa. They had a great journal for
> many years, and I do not think Google has scanned it. I pinged them a
> couple
> of times about digitizing their journal. They seemed interested at first,
> and then stopped responding.
> It would be worth trying with them again, if someone has a strong contact
> there.
> You can lead a horse to water...
> Mike
> San Jose, CA
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