BX 471 seed received with much appreciation

Bonita Ion via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Mon, 16 Nov 2020 14:03:25 PST
And I would like to add my thanks to Luminita and everyone donating seeds
and bulbs.  This was my very first
seed exchange with PBS and the packet I received was amazing.  Right down
to the little bulblets wrapped in
a moist towel  in a packet no bigger than one inch square.  So much rigor
and care was taken to make sure
that the seeds and little bulbs arrived in excellent condition!  Thank you
very very much.  Everything is planted
now and I will be watching them in my kitchen for a while before they go
into our little greenhouse here in
Michigan.  Especially with the pandemic raging and our horizons quite
narrow, getting the seeds and bulbs and
being able to watch them grow is just wonderful.  Many many thanks to you
all.  Go PBS!!!!

Regards,  Bonnie Ion, Ann Arbor, Michigan

On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 1:27 AM Robert Lauf via pbs <
pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:

>  Let me add my hearty concurrence.  When my box arrived it was like an
> early Christmas.  Many thanks to Luminita and all the donors!  Your efforts
> make PBS a truly exceptional community in the fullest sense of the word.
> Bob    Zone 7, watching my SX seeds growing already.....
>     On Saturday, November 14, 2020, 02:48:37 PM EST, M Gastil-Buhl via pbs
> <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:
>  Thank you Luminita for the six packets of seed which arrived just now. I
> expect others who ordered might be curious about when their envelope might
> arrive so I am writing this to the list. Last year I sowed seed in mid
> November from that BX Jane et al. ran for us. Although I was at first
> apprehensive about sowing this late in the season, I had excellent
> germination results and most made it thru the long summer dormancy and are
> growing on now. So I suggest if your climate is like mine (Santa Barbara,
> California) that you go ahead and sow now, not wait until next August.
> I would especially like to thank these seed donors who provided these:
> 10. Fritillaria persica, Francisco Lopez
> 59. Moraea setifolia, Chris Cooper
> 94. Tecophilaea cyanocrocus, Jan Jeddoloh, 3 seeds
> 97. Aristea inaequalis, Linda Press Wolf
> 170. Babiana sambucina ex Silverhill 287, James Henrich
> 182. Gladiolus carinatus ex Bulbophile Harvested April 2020, James Henrich
> I do appreciate how tedious it is to harvest and clean seed. I list these
> specifically because you are welcome to write and ask how your seed fares.
> When I send seed out I am curious how well it grows for others. Or if
> others received these same seeds, we can compare our methods and results.
> Gastil,
> sowing hope
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