Autumn flowers

Robert Parks via pbs
Mon, 26 Oct 2020 09:10:15 PDT
A lot of succulents can actually handle a substantial amount of (usually)
winter water, back in North Carolina (zone 7), we had a cactus mound that
was mostly populated by western US species...for the most part, if they
could handle the cold, they could deal with the winter cold/wet, and the
summer rains as well. While we didn't have bulbs planted amongst them,
there were local species that grew happily with them.

A mild Mediterranean climate should work for mixed plantings of
winter/spring geophytes and many succulents/cacti, assuming the water and
growing seasons are aligned well enough. If I lived on the warm/dryer side
of the hill in SF, I would probably mix the American cacti with the S
African geophytes...since the Euphorbias seem to be more sensitive to
winter wet. Alas, the local conditions are a challenge (although I do have
an Opuntia blooming happily right now).

Robert in SF
Seasonally pleasant and dry, but very windy today

On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 8:38 AM R Hansen via pbs <> wrote:

> Uli,
> The second photo of Crocus with cactus and Oxalis is amazing! What is there
> about your particular climate/microclimate that allows this group of plants
> to looks so happy together??
> Robin Hansen
> Southwest Oregon sunny but 25 F this morning.
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