BX 471 Crocus clarification

Jane McGary via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Thu, 22 Oct 2020 12:24:29 PDT
An addition to Mike's comments on Crocus tommasinianus: This species is, 
as he says, commonly grown in the Pacific Northwest, where we both live. 
I have it in my bulb lawn, where it's perhaps the best crocus to grow 
because its leaves tend to lie horizontally rather than upright, so they 
don't get damaged once the area is mown. It self-sows, usually back to 
the typical light lavender color though I have two darker clones, 
roseus, and pictus there. Even when I lived in an area infested with 
voles, this species survived well because I had it planted in dense 
turf, and I recommend doing that if you have a lawn or other turfed 
area. It's very cheap to buy from mass-market bulb catalogues, even in 
the select forms, and the corms are easily planted with a sharp, narrow 
trowel, just lifting the sod, placing the corm, and patting it back 
down. If you don't disguise where you've been digging, squirrels will 
think another squirrel has cached a nut there and will dig it up.

The star crocus of the bulb lawn at the moment is Crocus niveus, a large 
white flower.

Jane McGary, Portland, Oregon, USA

On 10/21/2020 10:31 PM, Mike Rummerfield via pbs wrote:
> Item 36, *Crocus tommasinianus* is seed, not bulbs (corms).  It is my fault
> for not indicating to Luminita whether it was  seed or bulb in my email to
> her.
> It is *seed* from a batch I collected for myself from various Crocus
> tommasinianus cultivars that grow well for me here.
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