
Johannes-Ulrich Urban via pbs
Fri, 25 Sep 2020 13:47:57 PDT
Hello Angelo,

I have seen mass flowering Lycoris in Japan a long time ago and was struck. And I have tried to grow them without success in my old garden in Germany (the hardy ones) and now in my new garden in Portugal. Here hardiness does not matter. I have a comparable frost free climate like you have in southern Italy.
But somehow my love for them does not seem to be reciprocal......, there is something they don’t like here. I started with good bulbs but they dwindle away gradually.
What I never understood is the fact that they are native to summer rain (monsoon) climates but still behave like a Mediterranean bulb with leaves in winter or spring but dormant in summer. Which means that they are dormant when it rains in their home country and they grow when it is cool and dry. 
Do you water your dormant Lycoris? Or do you give them the same regime like Amaryllis belladonna, for example?
I would love to grow them here, what would you advise? Which ones to choose? Water or no water while dormant in summer? What is the secret behind your success?

Bye for now 


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