APHIS Permit

Lee Poulsen via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sun, 29 Aug 2021 15:49:58 PDT
Yes, don’t give up hope yet. I’ve experienced 6 weeks to 3 months delay in getting seeds from Brazil. It’s highly country-dependent. I also received seeds from New Zealand that “only” took 3 or 4 weeks. (Which I think is pretty good these days.)

Also, James Shao is correct. I think by law APHIS must tell you what they did with your seeds since it is your property and they can only confiscate it and take possession of it if you don’t fulfill one of the import requirements. There’s usually a form telling you what they did (these days it’s usually destroy them, although they can choose to return it to the sender), and the reason (you didn’t include the permit or other required items).

Which reminds me of a case that those who also have a normal plant import permit should be careful about:
The regular plant import permit allows you to import allowed species of actual plants, bulbs, cuttings, and even seeds. But the key difference is that it requires a phytosanitary inspection and certificate issued before sending the package. This applies to seeds sent using this permit rather than the small lots of seeds import permit. I saw a shipment of seeds destroyed because the person used their plant import permit instead of their small lots of seeds import permit and there was no phytosanitary certificate included.
The small lots of seeds import permit does *not* require a phytosanitary inspection or certificate, but you can only import seeds with it.

--Lee Poulsen
Pasadena, California, USA - USDA Zone 10a
Latitude 34°N, Altitude 1150 ft/350 m

> On Aug 29, 2021, at 3:02 PM, Steve Marak via pbs <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:
> Mary,
> A friend, who has the appropriate permits, ordered some seeds from Silverhill earlier this year. It took over two months from the time they were mailed in SA to reach him in the US (Kansas City), but they made it. I have no idea if that's typical for things right now or not, but I would not give up hope yet.
> Steve
> On 8/29/2021 2:56 PM, Mary Gorton via pbs wrote:
>> They were mailed one month ago.  Should they have arrived by now if they have not been received?

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