pbs Digest, Vol 54, Issue 14

Luminita vollmer via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Thu, 12 Aug 2021 05:28:02 PDT
>    1. Re: Oxalis and watering (Robert Parks)
> From: Robert Parks <trolleypup@gmail.com>
> ....... When I had purpurea in
> the ground, they started poking up late August, so I started watering
> then...this spring the gophers ate each and every purpurea in the ground
> along with tetraphylla, obtusa, and a late lingering boweii (which they ate
> through the pot and eradicated, leaving clean soil), brasiliensis,
> nidulans, depressa seem not to be as palatable to them.

Speaking of gophers and other rodents of the precious bulbs.... in MN we
have to worry about larger animals, like deer, early in the spring, then
squirrels and other small diggers like mole, voles, and chipmunks.  Between
my dog and my cats, they are taken care of, but just for safety - I place
my martagon bulbs in cages I make of wire, and it takes longer to garden
this way, but to me - it's worth it!

Luminita in MN
(where temps are still high 80's but we had
some rain and it seems it's cooling down at night)
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