MORE APHIS seed import license/ permit info

Laura & Dave via pbs
Mon, 13 Dec 2021 15:25:44 PST
Hi all.
   Thanks to NARGS and Mike for the information posted regarding permits.  I had 
just finished getting my permit when this was all posted by NARGS and here.
   One thing I noted that was missing from the information was references to the 
old small lots of seeds permits.  These started with P37-, and appear to no 
longer exist.  The Small lots of seed has been subsumed into the P587- permit 
type, as a sub-category.  I have gotten a second notice that my old permit will 
expire, after I had my new one, so there seems to be a disconnect there.
    I've been trying to find out one other thing.  On the instruction page for 
the new mailing labels (Green/Yellow), there is a statement that */either/* the 
permit, or the permit # needs to be enclosed in the package.  If this is 
correct, this would mean eliminating a great deal of printing needed by the 
requestor or the shipper (when permits are sent electronically, rather than 
   Also, since there is only one G/Y label now (#1), creating a document with 
just one label will save 3/4 of the ink needed by the four label sheet.  In the 
Windows world, I simply used the snipping tool to grab one label, and pasted it 
into Word.  The label seemed to size itself correctly, although it's something 
that needs to be checked.  Save and send/print this as a file whenever needed.  
The dimentions from a printed copy of the quad-sheet are 4 3/4' by 3 3/4" (12cm 
by 9 1//2cm).  I trust that a tiny deviation will not we a problem, as not all 
printers are exactly the same nor settings for them.   I've done this for 
several years, and it is greatly appreciated.  The colors are dense, and when 
you have to print a hundred sheets of permits, the savings in ink, time and file 
transmission/storage are significant.

   Dave Brastow

Tumwater, Washington (USA), where the weather is bleak, but Narcissus 
cantabricus, N. bulbocodium v. praecox, Acis tingitana are keeping the 
greenhouse cheerful.
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