Weldenia candida propagation

Wychwood Gardens & Nursery via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Tue, 21 Dec 2021 15:18:32 PST
Thanks for your thoughts, Robert. Although disappointing, this was what I was expecting.

Now I just need to track down seeds! Given the form of Weldenia, I can’t even imagine how the seeds work, where do the pods form? The flowers appear as if from nowhere. I expect witchcraft to be the only logical explanation…

Matt (Tasmania, Australia)

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> On 17 Dec 2021, at 11:00 pm, pbs-request@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net wrote:
> Hi Matt & all, 
> My experience is with Commelinaceae in general, many species have come by in 30+ yrs. Root propagation of Tradescantia like types usually is well possible but not by cutting pieces of roots. When plants are dormant the root system can be ?cleaned? from most substrate and then one needs to take a close look for buds, usually on top of one or a group of roots (fusiform roots?). These can all be potted apart and each can form a new plant. Some species have 20-30 cm long roots, pot these in deep pots, the bud just under soil surface. Pruning of these long roots is possible but the cut off part can not be used for propagation, I prefer to leave all stored energy in the root(s) to give the propagation a better chance. 
> Greetings, Robert in The Netherlands
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