Seed donation

Johannes Ulrich Urban via pbs
Sun, 21 Feb 2021 07:37:15 PST

Here are some comments on the seed I donated to the EU spring SX

Albuca spec. ex Roscoff. About 40cm tall, bright yellow hanging flowers. 
Leaves filiform, deciduous. Very similar to A. shawii but I think not 
identical. Summer growing with dry winter dormancy, not frost hardy, 
very nice in a pot.

Dahlia imperialis (?): identity not certain. Tree Dahlia, reaching 3 to 
4m in one season, flowering from end of November with large flat opening 
pink flowers. (True D. imperialis does not open that flat). Needs a 
frost free winter to flower.  Can be grown as a foliage plant in colder 
climates. Tuber should not be stored dry, no real dormancy. I could not 
donate much seed as it was simply not ripe, there will be more in 
autumn. Sow in cool conditions, not in a propagator.

Lilium ‘White Triumphator‘: A magnificent longiflorum Hybrid. I never 
raised it from seed as the bulbs multiply well. Long lasting wax like 
scented flowers, resistant to sun, heat, wind, blown over pots. Hybrid 
seed may not come true to type. Fast growing, short or no dormancy, was 
hardy in my German garden.

Tradescantia boliviana: Upright tuberous perennial, about 70cm tall. 
Many pink flowers along the shoots for a long time in summer, popular 
with insects. Needs as much sun as ever possible, otherwise it will not 
remain upright. Needs rich moist soil during growth but absolutely dry 
dormancy in winter, even for young plants. Starts relatively late in 
spring. Do not water before new shoot tips show.  I use a very large 
clay pot because the residual moisture in plastic pots would kill it 
during dormancy. Will not reach adult size the first year from seed. Not 
frost hardy at all.

Zantedeschia jucunda: large deep golden yellow waxy flowers over lush 
foliage spotted white. Summer growing, winter dormant. Easy from seed 
but will not flower the first year. Not a bog plant but likes a lot of 
water and fertilizer. Endangered in its habitat. To me the most 
beautiful Zantedeschia. Has shown to be winter hardy south of Köln 
(Cologne) in mild settings. Multiplies well vegetatively. Happy in large 
containers. From Silverhill a very long time ago.

Zantedeschia albomaculata: much smaller plant than the previous. But 
very elegant. Narrow arrow shaped upright leaves heavily spotted white, 
small white flowers with dark center. Even without flowers a beautiful 
foliage plant. Summer growing, winter dormant, not hardy at all, happy 
in pots. Easy from seed but will not flower the first year. Originally 
wild collected  by Ellen Hornig, on Drakensberg.

Have fun with it!

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