Special Xchange BS 475 - Officially Over

Luminita Vollmer via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Tue, 08 Jun 2021 13:01:25 PDT
On Sat, Jun 5, 2021 at 2:20 PM Luminita Vollmer <pbslv.xchange@gmail.com>

> Dear all
> We had a large donation of several bulbs and a special xchange is on call.
> Due to the size of some of the bulbs, there will be special pricing,
> similar to an auction.
> Here are the rules:
> 1. You have to be a PBS member.
> 2. Send in your request, what bulb you want and the price you are willing
> to pay.
> 3. Each bulb has a minimum listed, the highest bidder will get the biggest
> bulb.
> ( You have to bid at least the minimum, then the highest first, next high
> next bulb, and so on until all are gone)
> 4. Order any bulbs you want, the number of bulbs available and the size is
> also listed.
> 5. Include your name and post address in the request.
> 6. I will accept bids for 3 days starting today, Jun 5, 2021 at 3pm CST
> until Tue Jun 8, 2021 at 3pm.
> Good luck!
> The list of bulbs
> 1. Ornithogalum saundersiae - $5 ( 12 bulbs, Very large)
> 2. Crinum Mary Ellen Bosquet $12 ( 7 Extra lg, 3 Smaller, but still large)
> 3. Crinum x herbertii “Schreck” $12.00 - (10 Very large)
> 4. Amaryllis Belladonna - $8.00 Lg / $7.00 sm ( 6 Extra Large, 3 Sm)
> 5. Zephyranthes grandiflora - $5.00 (25-30 mature size, lots of small size
> 6. Ipheion uniflorum Rolf Fiedler - $5.00 (50+, clumps of small bulbs, 4-5
> per share)
> 7. Hippeastrum papillon ( or papilio) - $12  / $14 )( 20 large, 2 humangus)
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