Large Iris

Robert Lauf via pbs
Tue, 11 May 2021 19:32:53 PDT
 OK, looks like our system can't deal with hyperlinks.  Just go to American Iris Society and look for the tab for Louisiana Iris.
Note that these plants have much finer roots than tall bearded and won't tolerate being tossed aside and planted a month later!  The growers ship them with wet paper wrapped around the roots and you must take them out and either plant and water immediately or stick in a bucket of water if you can't get to it for a few days.  Once they are established and growing they don't require constant wetness.
    On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 10:22:40 PM EDT, Robert Lauf via pbs <> wrote:  
Here's the section from the AIS wiki:
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