Wachendorfia question

Johannes-Ulrich Urban via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sun, 17 Oct 2021 06:38:42 PDT
Dear All,

After a total loss of previously healthy and well growing seedlings of Wachendorfia thyrsiflora, I wonder what my mistake was. Seed was sown in autumn, germinated very well and the young plants grew on nicely after separating and potting on in threes or fours. I did not want to separate them entirely in order to avoid too much root disturbance.
Then came summer and I kept watering them because they remained green at first and because they seem to be growing wet in their habitat. They were in a perforated tray together with other bulbs that need summer water and were watered collectively.
Today, on checking this tray closely, I discovered the total loss, everything has rotted.
Should I have given them a dry or dryish summer rest? Do the wet places in their habitat dry out in summer? Any other ideas?

Thank you very much for your help 


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