UC Irvine South African Bulb Garden

Makiko Goto-Widerman via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sun, 24 Oct 2021 10:49:10 PDT
When I joined PBS, I saw his name in the directory of members.  Is he still
a member of PB?

*Makiko Goto-Widerman*

On Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 10:47 AM Makiko Goto-Widerman <
mfdgardenclub@gmail.com> wrote:

> I used to live in Orange County for almost 20 years.  There is a
> relatively new garden park, Great Park in Irvine similar to the
> Central Park in New York. I remember when it started. I used to belong to
> a local garden club, and we invited a Founding Member to our
> meeting.  Then the real estate recession stopped the project after 2009
> for a while.  It must be closed again due to this COVID, but it must reopen
> now or soon.
> It can be a good place to transfer the bulb garden if it is true to be
> closed.  The park is surrounded by newly developed housing
> for young families.  Unfortunately the
> public schools in reputable Irvine city do not (or did not) have a school
> garden or a local garden club.  They should offer more
> educational gardening/horticultural
> programs.
> There is a public fruit (avocado, citrus and dragon fruit) research center
> of UC
> system nearby the park.  I used to visit the farm with my family.  They
> offered a large event for the public to present new avocado varieties.
> Many international
> avocado researchers were also invited.
> *Makiko Goto-Widerman*
> On Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 10:28 AM Makiko Goto-Widerman <
> mfdgardenclub@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yes, Mr. Harold Koopewitz.  He is a member of PBS.
>> He used to be a Director of the arboretum, Emeritus Professor of UC
>> Irvine.
>> He lives in Orange County.  I thought he initiated the South African Bulb
>> Garden because he is originally
>> from South Africa.
>> On Sun, Oct 24, 2021, 8:42 AM R Hansen via pbs <
>> pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:
>>> Regarding the concerns about the UC Irvine SA Bulb Garden, I am
>>> attempting to confirm whether this is an unfounded rumor, a possibility or
>>> a certainty. So we can speculate but until there is confirmation, ideas are
>>> good but let's see what turns up. Their website is in no way up to date
>>> that I can see, as I briefly checked...
>>> Does anyone have the ability to contact someone they know at the garden
>>> directly regarding this situation?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robin Hansen
>>> President, PBS
>>> An early coastal storm is blowing and raining like crazy
>>> Southwest Oregon
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