EU-BX Fall Update: Deadline for first part

Garak via pbs
Fri, 10 Sep 2021 12:28:20 PDT
Dear EU list members,

we've already assembled quite an impressive list of more than 200 items 
for the first fall distribution of the EU Bulb and seed exchange. Since 
some of the bulbs and corms need to be planted fairly quickly, we'll 
have a first ordering phase soon. If you have anything to donate for 
early planting, please ship that contribution until including Monday the 
13th to

Martin Bohnet
Ludwigstrasse 1
73035 Göppingen


and drop me a notice to

The ordering phase will likely be around the following weekend, so stay 
tuned! Don't worry if you have late ripening seeds or bulbs, as donation 
time frame will continue after this deadline for a second distribution, 
likely in the second half of October.

Martin (pronoun: he)
Southern Germany
Likely zone 7a

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