After the Storm

Judy Glattstein via pbs
Sat, 04 Sep 2021 09:14:43 PDT
Greetings everyone. The aftermath of Storm Ida dropped better than 7 
inches of rain in under 12 hours. Basement flooded to the point where 
water was flowing over the sill of the sliding door. Power went out and 
with it, Internet connectivity. Water running along the edges of the 
driveway undermined the edges, then ran crosswise under the driveway. 
Which has now buckled into "valleys" deep enough that the asphalt is 
cracked through on the "hills." The only one of the six paving companies 
we called, the only one who phoned back, said the earliest they could 
get here would be November, maybe later. And once winter gets here the 
driveway will not be plowable as it is.

Why am I telling you about this? Because there is such washing out along 
the driveway and along the seasonal brook that I am sure the small bulbs 
that had been growing there are now somewhere else. To give you an idea 
how bad it is - the culvert under the road that is maintained by the 
county is now filled to street level with debris.

While I'm relieved that power is finally restored and the basement is 
(mostly) dry I am sad about what will be with my garden.

Judy in New Jersey, the rather battered Garden State

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