EX03_Quick addition: Crinum

Garak via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Thu, 23 Sep 2021 00:48:08 PDT
Dear EU Members,

due to an oversight, there are sprouting (!) seeds of Crinum 
bulbispermum  donated by Uli Urban available which did not appear on the 
EX03-Listing. Due to the nature of sprouting Crinum, they can't wait for 
the October list. As most packages are still waiting for the seed from 
Château Pérouse, those Crinums can be added easily if you already have 
ordered, but I'll also accept new requests. Please note: Crinum Seeds 
can not be sent to the UK, due to their fleshy nature.

For future reference, these seeds are assigned the ID EX03_284

Additionally, we have portions of the following bulbs still available:

EX03_032    Babiana stricta
EX03_049    Alium giganteum
EX03_059    Babiana pygmaea ex Silverhill
EX03_060    Ferraria crispa
EX03_069    Lachenalia calcicola „de Hoop“
EX03_074    Massonia bredasdorpensis
EX03_078    Massonia echinata

All those Items are priced at 3$/portion (even the Crinum seeds - you'll 
understand when you see them) and are now offered on a first come, first 
served base.

Sorry for this inconvenience!

Martin (pronoun: he)
Southern Germany
Likely zone 7a

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