Forum open and ready to use

R Hansen via pbs
Thu, 21 Apr 2022 13:38:20 PDT
The Board of Directors of the Pacific Bulb Society is ready to make the
Forum available to its members.


Some things to know:


 <> is the link. This link connects
you to all information on our current link.


Please remember that Archives and Wiki are NOT going away. They will
be there forever, accessible, searchable and continuing to educate; instead
they will be accessible on the  <> link.


One provision that the Forum will provide: a history of, as an example,
Forum discussions on a particular topic like Crocus (it could be any bulb)
that goes back years. Our webmaster and cohorts are using an off the shelf
software for the Forum - the same one the Scottish Rock Garden Club uses -
and it will be packed with lots of help topics in the menus. Plus, and this
is very important if you're feeling uncomfortable or hesitant about using
the Forum, names and links of PBS members who are knowledgeable and can help
you navigate the Forum. 


Assistance is available from: Diane Whitehead
<>, David
Pilling  <>, or Garak
(Martin Bohnet) 



It will be easier to post photos, focus on topics of interest to you, and
you will not have to avoid all those emails that are not of interest to you.

Two items also of importance: announcements of bulb and seed exchanges will
come to you as emails and also on the Forum to make sure you won't miss out
on our exchanges. Another item that's very popular on email, "what's
blooming now" (Click on Current Photographs) will continue as a separate
topic on the Forum, so if that's all you want to look at, you can. Other
topics will be added as needed.


Some basic tips to begin: 



You'll only need to log in to the Forum if you wish to post a message or
photo or if you want to reply. To Login or Signup, go to the very top left
of your screen and follow directions. If logging in is a pain or you don't
remember a password, be sure to choose from the "Time to stay logged in"
box. (The default time is One Hour) Each time you click on the Forum when
you are permanently logged in, just click your User Name on the pop-up and
proceed. Lurkers can then choose to read messages as and when they will. No
more overburdened Inboxes!


Remember: you can change your text size when viewing in your browser as well
as in the Forum. You will also have the choice of several themes if you want
to change how you view the forum.


Wiki & List Archive: There will be no changes to the Wiki or to the List
Archive, nor will any of the topics appearing in the horizontal menu bar at
the top of the current website change. The menu will now appear as a
vertical list on the left side of your display.


YES - there is a HELP button with an explanation of words and phrases, and
illustrations, etc. Go to the very bottom of any page on the right and click
on Help. If you've sent out an SOS and are awaiting a reply, check this out.


One Last Item: Read the screen. Every word. Don't be like me and do a quick
(ha ha) scan of the page and then whine (yes, my dog taught me how) that "I
can't find it." Trust me. And yes, I'll admit right now: I can and do read
every word and because it's me, sometimes I still don't get it. But never
mind, call for help because we're all humans and we all need help now and


Do not hesitate to contact us if you have further questions or concerns.
Many thanks for your patience!


Robin Hansen

President, PBS


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