Lily Species Throughout the World

Luminita vollmer via pbs
Sat, 23 Apr 2022 05:51:17 PDT
Dear Vijay and Dear All

Usually gems are found by "digging."

In this case the digging was driven by my love for the lily species and my
intent to introduce the concept of developing "succession strategy plans"
in a variety of situations, like when societies need to preserve the
existence of gems have members passing away taking the gems with them.

Are you aware that in the last 3 years over 25 members of the
NorthAmericanLily Society have passed away, including one that was also a
PBS member - Jim McKenney, Jan 28, 2021?

The digging takes a while, jumping on the bandwagon is a lot easier.
As of now,  I am still discovering the facts about this book gem. I have
help from other PBS members, closer to where Bill Doreen lived and his
family. We hope to be successful at "digging."

Luminita Vollmer

Message: 12
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2022 23:39:45 -0400
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Subject: Re: [pbs] Lily Species Throughout the World
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I will be willing to put ip the cash for the second printing of the book
Vijay Chandhok
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