EU BX Donation now open

Uli via pbs
Fri, 12 Aug 2022 16:48:11 PDT
Dear Members living in the EU

The donation time window for the autumn seed and bulb exchange is now 
open until further notice. Please read this notice carefully.

Please send your donation to Martin Bohnet,

         Ludwigstr. 1

         73035 Göppingen


Please remember that bulbs should be clean and healthy and seed free of 
chaff and debris.

As in previous exchanges we ask you to pre-pack 5 portions of seed on a 
voluntary basis, the portions should contain enough seed for a good 
potful of seedlings, at least 5 seeds with rare plants and less with 
super rare ones. Seed envelopes are available free of charge from 
Martin: ( If there is a lot more seed available than 
5 packets, you can include a larger packet for Martin to do extra 
portions if requested. Pre packing seed is a tremendous help for Martin. 
Bulbs should be sent in one bag per species and_not_ pre-packed.

Please label each species of seed/bulb with the botanical name_and_ your 
own name.

Every  donor will be refunded the postage for the donation, please send 
a copy of your receipt to Martin.

We will do two consecutive exchanges this autumn, the time window for 
donations will remain open for some time. Please do not get stressed 
with seed which is not ripe by now, or with bulbs still growing, they 
will be for the next spring exchange.

This notice will appear in the PBS Forum, in the old email list and all 
EU members will receive it as a private email.

We have received some correspondence concerning this coming BX, it looks 
as if it will be a very good one. This might be a reason for non members 
to consider joining the PBS, as only fully paid members with a postal 
address in the EU will be entitled to order.

Once Martin has compiled the new BX list it will go online through the 
same channels.

Thank you all very much in advance!

Please do not hesitate to contact me in case of questions or 
difficulties. (

Uli and Martin
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