Pots vs Free Range

Jane McGary via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Mon, 29 Aug 2022 10:49:17 PDT
To exclude invasive roots, I lined my raised beds with heavy-duty woven 
groundcloth (the kind used in nurseries, not what they sell in garden 
centers). Water passes through it. Like redwoods, the Pacific native 
"red cedar" (Thuja plicata, not a cedar, nor what they call "cedar" in 
the east) has endless moisture-seeking roots. Such trees can be helpful 
with a bulb collection in that they reduce summer moisture.

Jane McGary, Portland, Oregon, USA

On 8/28/2022 5:26 PM, John Wickham via pbs wrote:
>   I fear the nearby Zauchneria, which has formed dense mats under the nearby shrubs. The California bulbs may appreciate that companionship, though.
> Fascinating to hear about redwood roots.
>      On Sunday, August 28, 2022 at 04:41:32 PM PDT, Robert Parks via pbs <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:
>   Wow! Redwoods are crafty, so far the only thing that has been invading pots
> are Psoralea roots (Koolaid Bush)...the last thing I needed when lifting
> pots of miniature Oxalis with bulbs similar in size to the nitrogen fixing
> nodules on the tree roots.
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