MSI Grant Applications available

R Hansen via pbs
Tue, 20 Dec 2022 09:52:36 PST…
6rjhaepm6apbi7g&page=grant> &page=grant 


There was no room in The Bulb Garden you will soon be receiving (it's at the
printer's) and I wanted to reminded you all of an important service the
Pacific Bulb Society provides to academics and other qualified applicants
for financial assistance in studying some aspect of bulbs.


Details are available at the above link. If you have questions, please
contact me. PBS did not award any grants for fiscal year 2022, so the board
hopes you will consider spreading this announcement around and if you have a
project, please apply. Applicants must be members to receive these grants.


Also, a generous member has donated a sum to be used for pollen studies of a
specific kind. If you are interested, please contact me. Depending on the
number of qualified applicants, there could be some additional funds
available to supplement this donation.


Enjoy the holidays. As gardeners I do believe the Winter Solstice is our
signal to look forward to the new year ahead.


Best regards,


Robin Hansen

President, PBS

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