BX 482 is CLOSED

Bridget Wosczyna via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Wed, 27 Jul 2022 06:07:28 PDT
Beautiful bulbs. Phenomenal response in requests.  Most people sent in
lengthy lists, which is wise as this furthers the opportunity to get
something on that wish list.

I am still sorting and packing up the donations and have noted everyone's
lists. If you have not received a reply from me, kindly re-send. I believe
I responded to everyone, but there were over *70 *orders.  I should begin
sending orders out over the weekend and next week.

The most popular items by far were the tecophilaea, nerine, haemanthus and
massonia.  Eighteen members requested the cyclamen rohlfsianum. There is
one of them.  If you receive it: you are the luckiest duck.

Thank you for your participation in the exchange.  The donors are most
generous; we owe them each gratitude in helping us to obtain things we
might not otherwise have the opportunity to grow.

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