Hippeastrum machupijchensis

Robert Lauf via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sun, 27 Mar 2022 10:14:32 PDT
 Glad you like it.  I don't have any Andean reptiles to add drama, and no traveling models were in town to hold it provocatively for one of my Eve in the Garden collection, so I just had to play it straight.  But with the studio already set up, it's a snap (no pun intended) to bring in whatever is blooming and push the button.
I hope to post more grubby scientific shots soon.  I've made leaf cuttings from an obscure Resnova/Drimia/Ledebouria maxima and they appear to be rooting, so I'll post all the steps.  PBS really should start building a list of all the plants we know are amenable to leaf cuttings.  The list appears to be more extensive than many think.
    On Sunday, March 27, 2022, 01:04:37 PM EDT, XYZ2 in Virginia via pbs <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:  
 Hey Bob,

Great photo of the Hipp.  Very nicely done.  Thanks for sharing!

Bern in Williamsburg
Zone 7b

-----Original Message-----
From: pbs [mailto:pbs-bounces@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net] On Behalf Of Robert Lauf via pbs
Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2022 1:42 PM
To: Pacific Bulb Society <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
Cc: Robert Lauf <boblauf@att.net>
Subject: [pbs] Hippeastrum machupijchensis

I got this lovely species a year ago from Telos and it has grown well.  This is the first bloom for me, and it is already making a small offset.  It never loses its leaves under my greenhouse conditions.
I'll try the microwave ploy and see if I can get some seed set, but if any member has one of these blooming and would like to swap some pollen, please send me a private email and we can exchange addresses.
In an ongoing effort to make more hardy Hipp crosses, I have some seeds germinating that resulted from pollinating a few interesting hybrids with pollen I took from H. Johnsonii when it was blooming outside late last summer.  I took whole anthers and put into a pill bottle with silica gel beads, gave them some time to dry a little in the refrigerator, then moved to the freezer.  No idea how long the stored pollen typically lasts, but this would've been at least four to six months.
On a related note, my first "hardy" cross involved Salmon Pearl and reginae.  I have ten seedlings that have grown and multiplied well outside and are blooming.  I'll post the pix in due course to show the range of blooms, all of which are in varying degrees intermediate between the two parents.  Nothing to write home about but very hardy here.  Seeds from that cross that have been in the refrigerator for probably six years now are still viable, based on a germination test I did on some a few weeks ago.  That seemed like a long time for the seeds to tolerate cold storage, but if anyone has more data on that matter, please share it.  Thanks!
Bob    Zone 7 E Tenn
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