BX 2023 001

Bridget Wosczyna via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Fri, 21 Apr 2023 18:20:19 PDT
All: Please read this post/email in its *entirety *prior to ordering so we
will have no confusion for ordering and your boxes can get out to you much
more quickly?  It will make my job a little easier.

*This BX will be open for orders until Wednesday, April 26 at 9:00 p.m. PST*

Standard rules apply for this BX:

Kindly review the list below and email me (*do not reply to this emai*l)
with your request(s) to *bulbexpbs@gmail.com* <bulbexpbs@gmail.com>.
I will send a simple acknowledgement of your email.  Should you not have a
response from me within a day, please resend.

*Be sure to include your full name and current address.*

Bulbs are $3 each.  Some of these are only one share and in short supply.

This will be a lottery (however, if you did not receive something last round,
kindly advise and I will try to assure some accommodation. Also, if there is
something you really are looking to receive, it helps for me to know this
as well.)

*You must be current in your membership and you must be up-to-date on
BX/SX **charges. If you are uncertain, feel free to check with Jane McGary
or Arnold Trachtenberg.*


Payments should no longer be made through the Paypal website due to changes in
Paypal policies. PBS must be paid through the PBS website at:
Please be sure to reference the BX number above.
You are still free to send payment via check if that is your preference.

No orders to anywhere but the US and (sometimes) Canada can be entertained at
this point.  We cannot furnish the appropriate phyto docs to other

Thank you as always to our current donors.

*Robert Parks*

               1. Amorphophallus albus RP1
               2. Amorphophallus dunnii
               3. Amorphophallus kachienensis or yunnanensis
               4. Amorphophallus konjac RP? #2             crow stole the
               5. Amorphophallus konjac RP1 (Swallowtail)         (slightly
forked spathe)
               6. Amorphophallus konjac RP2
               7. Amorphophallus konjac RP4
               8. Amorphophallus konjac RP5   ex BX473
               9. Amorphophallus konjac RP6g ()             OP konjac
seedling division
               10. Amorphophallus konjac RP7
               11. Amorphophallus myosuroides (Green Leaf)
               12. Arisaema flava (Yellow #2)
               13. Begonia sutherlandii                ex Dhannon
               14. Gorgonidium intermedium
               15. Oxalis sp. (Durango) ex Dhannon
               16. Oxalis trollii  ex DHannon
               17. Sauromatum giganteum RP2
               18. Sauromatum venosum Indian Giant
               19. Sauromatum venosum RP3   ex Jglattstein
               20. Sinningia leucotricha
               21. Typhonium rhizomatosum (AGA 1326-01)

*Robert Lauf*

               22. Lachenalia ensifolia (pink)
               23. Lachenalia namaquensis
               24. Drimia uniflora
               25. Gloriosa superba - summer growing
               26. Hypoxis baurii var. platypetala, syn. Rhodohypoxis
baurii var. platypetala- summer growing
               27. Oxalis callosa - winter growing
               28. Oxalis sp. L 96/42  - summer growing, Uli collected in
               29. Oxalis triangularis - evergreen if you keep watering
               30. Oxalis zeekoevleyensis - winter growing, but starts into
growth early, water July-August when shows signs of life
               31. Griffinia espritensis

*Judy Wong*

               32. Chasmanthe floribunda ‘Duckettii’
               33. Chasmanthe bicolor

*Fred Biasella*

               34. Stenomsson (Clinanthus) variegatum yellow
               35. Stenomesson (Clinanthus) red form

               36. Gloxinia Nematanthodes 'Evita'

Thank you!

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