Future PBS Offerings

Fred via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Mon, 16 Jan 2023 11:15:39 PST
Hello Folks,


I've just been cleaning up dead leaves of my dormant plants and just
discovered that my three pots of clinanthus (stenomesson) variegatum -
yellow form, are offsetting like mad and I wonder if there's and interest?
Also I have three pots of gloxinia nematanthoides 'Evita' that have also
grown like crazy. I started with a very small bulb of clinanthus and a small
pot of gloxinia and I have lots to share and absolutely no more room.but I
won't let  that stop me from getting more plants :). Please let me know and
as soon as the weather warms, I'll send them off to the group.


Warm regards on this cold MLK day,


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