Found in Big Sur about a week ago. I probably saw hundreds of plants but only 2 blooms. > On Jun 20, 2023, at 21:16, Paige Woodward via pbs <> wrote: > How are the wild lilies of the western US faring this year? Anyone been out hiking? Anyone have sources of information to suggest? > > Over on the Lilium list, friends reported that on brief forays in N California and S Oregon in the past couple of years, lilies were gone or far between at familiar sites, the terrain often clearcut (possibly for firebreaks) or otherwise devastated. > > Wild lilies bloom around now, if they’re going to. Several times during the past couple of decades there’ve been Lily Chases, in which small groups of worshipers visited wild lilies and photographed them, travelling in convoy through California, Oregon and Washington State. The sites were scouted in advance because every year is different. > > The past couple of years have been very different indeed, however. There won’t be a formal Lily Chase this summer. I wonder if there’ll ever be again. > > Paige Woodward > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > >… > Unsubscribe: <> > PBS Forum https://… _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list… Unsubscribe: <> PBS Forum https://…