
Eucodonia is a genus of two species of small, perennial plants with scaly rhizomes in the Gesneriaceae family. This genus is closely related to Achimenes, was one time included in it, and hybridizes with it. Flowers are solitary and bell shaped with long pedicels. Advice is to grow in a shady cool spot, keep moist, and feed regularly. After a period of active growth leaves will die back and plants should be kept dry for a period of time. They can be propagated from increase in the scaly rhizomes.

Also see the Eucodonia hybrid page.

Eucodonia andrieuxii (DC.) Wiehler, syn. Achimenes andrieuxii DC. is native to Mexico. There are a number of forms in cultivation.

Eucodonia andrieuxii 'Naomi' The photos below were taken by Nhu Nguyen.

Eucodonia andreuxii 'Naomi', Nhu NguyenEucodonia andreuxii 'Naomi', Nhu NguyenEucodonia andreuxii 'Naomi', Nhu Nguyen

Eucodonia verticillata (Martens & Galeotti) Wiehler, syn. Achimenes ehrenbergii (Hanst.) H. E. Moore, syn. Eucodonia ehrenbergii Hanst, is native to southern Mexico where it grows in wet and shaded places in forests. Photos below from Mary Sue Ittner. She received rhizomes from the Pacific Bulb Society BX. They were very small and she wondered whether they would grow. The first photo shows the rhizomes on a 1 cm grid. Two of them sprouted and the second photo shows the leaves that appeared several months after she planted the rhizomes and started to water them. There were no flowers the first year. When the plants started to die back, she withheld water and started watering again the following spring. The last two photos were taken in the second year showing flowers. Note the leaves are a much darker color in the second year.

Eucodonia verticillata rhizomes, Mary Sue IttnerEucodonia verticillata new leaves, Mary Sue IttnerEucodonia verticillata, Mary Sue IttnerEucodonia verticillata rhizomes, Mary Sue Ittner

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Page last modified on August 22, 2016, at 09:28 PM