
Pseudomuscari is a genus in the Hyacinthaceae family (APG II) or expanded Asparagaceae (APG III) that has been separated from the genus Muscari. It is recognised by the open "mouth" of the flower instead of the constricted one in Muscari.

Pseudomuscari azureum (Fenzl) Garbari & Greuter syn. Muscari azureum Fenzl grows in alpine meadows in Turkey. It is 4 to 15 cm. with dense racemes of bright bell shaped blue flowers. First two photos by Mary Sue Ittner. Third photo shows a close-up of the inflorescence by Travis Owen.

Pseudomuscari azureum, Mary Sue IttnerPseudomuscari azureum, Mary Sue IttnerPseudomuscari azureum close-up, Travis Owen

Pseudomuscari chalusicum (D.C.Stuart) Garbari syn. Muscari chalusicum D.C.Stuart comes from northern Iran, where it grows on rocky ledges and light woodland. It does not increase rapidly so is a good choice for the well-kept garden, where its lovely light blue flowers go perfectly with early daffodils. The first photograph from Jane McGary was taken in a bulb frame in Oregon in late February. The next two photos were taken by Mary Sue Ittner.

Pseudomuscari chalusicum, Jane McGaryPseudomuscari chalusicum, Mary Sue IttnerPseudomuscari chalusicum, Mary Sue Ittner

Pseudomuscari forniculatum (Fomin) Garbari syn Bellevalia forniculata (Fomin) Delaunay is a snow melt species from alpine meadows in Turkey. It is slow to mature in cultivation, and should not be dried out too severely in summer. Its habitat is similar to that of Iris missouriensis in North America. Photo 1 was taken by Arnold Trachtenberg, photo 2 by Jane McGary, and photo 3 by Mary Sue Ittner.

Pseudomuscari forniculatum, Arnold TrachtenbergPseudomuscari forniculatum, Jane McGaryPseudomuscari forniculatum, Mary Sue Ittner

Pseudomuscari inconstrictum (Rech.f.) Garbari syn. Muscari inconstrictum Rech.f. is an Eastern Mediterranean species growing in Cyprus eastwards to Iran and Iraq. It grows in different conditions including desertic areas. Practically it occupies the habitats of Western European Muscari commutatum. The form growing on Cyprus has shorter, rounder flowers and is probably a subspecies. Photos were taken north of Jericho in Palestine by Oron Peri.

Pseudomuscari inconstrictum, Oron PeriPseudomuscari inconstrictum, Oron Peri

Pseudomuscari pallens (M.Bieb.) Garbari syn. Muscari pallens (M.Bieb.) Fisch. is a small plant of the Caucasus and Turkey with pale blue to almost white flowers. It has been included in many different genera so has many synonyms. It doesn't appear until spring and then blooms quickly after the leaves are well up. It is a very charming plant that I acquired from Jane McGary. First photograph by Mary Sue Ittner. Photo two by Arnold Trachtenberg shows two forms of the flowers. Photo three taken by Oron Peri in its habitat in the north Caucasus, Georgia.

Pseudomuscari pallens, Mary Sue IttnerPseudomuscari pallens, Arnold TrachtenbergPseudomuscari pallens, Oron Peri

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