Zephyranthes in southern Baja California - request for ID

Gastil Gastil-Buhl gastil.buhl@gmail.com
Wed, 08 Jan 2014 15:36:42 PST
José Luis León de la Luz, an investigator from CIBNOR, has found a Zephranthes in the southern Baja California peninsula which does not resemble the species described for that location. He asks if it might be recognized.

A photo of the unidentified Zephyranthes is posted on the mystery bulbs page 

Also a photo of Z. arenicola is posted for comparison. The unidentified one does not match with Z. longifolia, which is reported as a second species in Baja California. 

Please respond to this list, or the comment form on the mystery bulb page.

- Gastil 

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