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Topics - David Pilling

General Discussion / Mice eat freesia bulbs - who knew?
October 14, 2024, 04:35:39 PM
A sad discovery today was that the pots of freesia bulbs which grow many leaves all through the Winter, and then if I am lucky throw up a flower or two had been ransacked by mice in the Summer. Previously they have been left untouched and I never thought they were at risk.

It brought to mind a poem by Eudora Welty which Jim McKenney used to quote the final lines of when as often happens rodent woe featured in the PBS list.

Squirrel, squirrel, burning bright,
Do not eat my bulbs tonight!

I think it bad and quite insidious
That you should eat my blue tigridias.

Squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris,
Leave to me my small muscaris,

Must you make your midnight snack, mouse,
Of Narcissus Mrs. Backhouse?

When you bite the pure leucojum,
Do you feel no taint of odium?

Must you chew till Kingdom Come
Hippeastrum advenum?

If in your tummy bloomed a lily,
Wouldn't you feel sort of silly?

Do you wish to tease and joke us
When you carry off a crocus?

Must you hang up in your pantries
All my Pink Queen zephyranthes?

Tell me, has it ever been thus,
Squirrels must eat the hyacinthus?

O little rodent,
I wish you wo'dn't!

General Plants and Gardening / Peanuts
October 09, 2024, 02:35:59 PM
2024 was the year of growing peanuts. The first three packets of seed all rotted (well known vendor). The next packet (ebay) almost all germinated.

Interesting plants - similarities with peas. Flowers appear on stalks from near the ground and are supposed to plunge back into the earth when (self) pollinated and grow a nut.

I got quite a few flowers, but none seemed to set seed. Not far past mid-summer the plants appeared to succumb to powdery mildew in the greenhouse.

Today I got around to tipping out the pots, which I'd abandoned outside. I did find two nuts (shells? with three nuts in) - see photos. Also plants which had attempted to produce many nuts. There also seem to be nodules on the roots, not to be confused with nuts.

It's been a bad year - cold and wet in Spring. In 2022 and 2023 there were more tomatoes than one could deal with, in 2024 one questions if it is worth growing them.

So everything has been hard work - I will try again next year. The well known vendor sent me some replacements, and I've got the nuts I grew, soon I will have bred a peanut tuned to the coastal climate in the North West of England.
Can you id this for me please - it is a volunteer, quite a few feet high by now. Multi-stemmed.

Over the years I've lost seedlings to damping off and I've seen seeds rot whilst waiting for them to germinate. For seeds I've been driven to soaking them in domestic antiseptic cleaning liquids - what is called Dettol in the UK, maybe Clorex where you are.

Anyway at this late stage I have become aware that Cinnamon is recommended as a cure for these problems.

General Plants and Gardening / Favorite Garden Sayings
August 04, 2024, 04:05:07 PM
Add your garden sayings...

"One years seeding,
 Seven years weeding"

General Discussion / Vapour-pressure deficit
June 09, 2024, 05:26:38 AM
I got a new Bluetooth temperature/humidity sensor - Govee - whose phone app. wants to tell me the VPD - Vapour-pressure deficit.

"...the difference (deficit) between the amount of moisture in the air and how much moisture the air can hold when it is saturated."

Did anyone ever bother about this in their greenhouse - seemingly it can have an effect on plant growth - see:

Quoting a post by Mary Sue to the PBS list...

Rhoda McMaster has kindly shared with us the articles Cameron wrote between 2007 and 2009 for Farmer's Weekly about many South African bulbs so we could archive them and they would be available to download. I've spent a lot of time adding them to the wiki and linking them to the wiki pages of the genera, family, or species he was writing about. The pdf files are really good quality since they are the originals and the information is informative and interesting and the photos spectacular. Cameron hoped to educate farmers about the wonderful bulbs they might find on their properties in the hope that they would be protected and conserved. You can find these articles here:

And there is a link too on the archive page.

David has informed me that some people have already found them. We are grateful that these articles can have wider distribution.

Mary Sue
The first 19 volumes of "The Bulb Garden", newsletter of the Pacific Bulb Society are available online for free download.

New is a page giving the contents of all issues, this makes it easier to discover things of interest. You can find the contents here:

Downloads are linked to the contents. A table showing all the downloads is here:

Volumes 18 and 19 have been added recently. In addition volume 2 issue 4 was missing, thanks to Bob Rutemoeller for scanning it for me.

If you know of any other missing issues, let me know.
General Off-Topic / Smart Phone User Feedback Needed
December 03, 2023, 09:34:45 AM
I am trying to improve the user experience of the PBS online estate for phone users. At the moment I have "responsive tables" set up on the PBS wiki. They scroll side to side when the screen is small.

Feel free to offer comments about this or any other phone related matters.

Here's a PBS wiki page with a table on:

General Plants and Gardening / Cheerio Wilko
September 11, 2023, 06:28:50 AM
"Wilko (Wilkinson) is a British high-street retail chain which sells homewares and household goods."

Today all hope of saving the chain has been lost and all 400 stores will close. Wilko sold a huge amount of gardening material, tools, seeds, compost, greenhouses, seed trays and plants.

In particular they sold bulbs, and boasted of having used the same Dutch supplier for 60 years. Some years there were enormous quantities of bulbs which they'd sell off at low prices at the end of the season.

What interests me, is that the business has been in administration for a month, suppliers would not allow new stock to get into their hands. Wilko would typically have lots of bulbs of their own specification and packaging. Where have those bulbs gone?

One Wilko bulb even made it on to the PBS Forum:

So it may be that if you're in Europe you'll find "blue parrot" tulips appearing in Aldi or Lidl.

It's a bit like Woolworth (UK version) (which went bust in 2008) if you could you'd find that a large proportion of the plants still in gardens in the UK originated from Woolworth.
Current Photographs / August 2023 photos
August 10, 2023, 05:22:11 PM
Sche - her - a - zade

The PBS wiki consists of 1000's of text entries describing plants. These have been laboriously written by hand - most of them by Mary Sue Ittner, although many others have been involved. I have always found this difficult, just like writing essays at school on subjects I was not familiar with.

The latest wiki entry is for Chlorogalum grandiflorum:

I got Google 'bard' to write the text, and I am very proud of the result. It took me no time at all and it is much better English than anything I could usually have done.

The problem is that I have no idea if the material is correct and by now it will have been indexed by Google and will shortly be fed back into 'bard' etc.

We could see if we can stop the wiki contents being used to train AI, or we could decide to not use AI when adding stuff to the wiki. Not that it will make any difference...

General Discussion / Who Knew?
March 08, 2023, 04:09:37 AM
A thread in which we tell people what we didn't know...

Cornell have a flower bulb research program, along with a website with articles and videos
General Plants and Gardening / B&T World Seeds
February 20, 2023, 08:52:13 AM
Quoting Dave's Garden "B&T went into the French equivalent of liquidation on the 22nd June 2022."

Elsewhere ", the leading resource on plant care tips and gardening content on the web, has acquired domain."

B&T always seemed a very comprehensive if expensive site, it is many years since I was wandering around the web seeking seeds.

Thanks to Martin for spotting this and removing B&T from the PBS sources page on the wiki.
PBS Forum Feedback & Help / Email list and forum
February 14, 2023, 02:04:20 PM
I feel the chat about the list and forum would be better here. Anyone tuning in to read about bulbs is going to be a bit fed up with the list by now.

There has been a PBS offering on Facebook for many years - last updated October 2021. That would be a model for Instagram.

I believe we can add a plug-in to this forum that automatically generate a Facebook presence. Why not the same for other platforms.

Today I found a web page that said a forum was better than a social media presence. Something like you get less fools on a forum and it is likely to last longer.

The question of longevity. I always see this as a operation to collect wisdom and save people making the same mistakes in the future. Others do not see things this way, now is all that matters. We had the Yahoo lily list, probably 20 years of amazing lily photos, and it all vanished without a murmur of complaint. That is what happens with proprietary systems.

As to the existing list - my idea is to customise the html to text code and make it turn large images into links.

I can't bring myself to flick the switch to turn the list over to html - it'd probably run OK until someone decided 100MB of photos are necessary to illustrate a point. At which point we'd find out who has the capacity to handle large emails.

I also have to point out that the existing web archive cannot handle html.

We could limit the size of posts - however this is making work - I could spend time showing people how to scale down images (been there, done it on the Yahoo list). You can do a good job of reducing image size if you understand it. But it is something no one want to learn or needs, it is not done in the modern world.

What is the smallest size posts can be limited to without someone complaining it is too small - start at about 20MB and work your way up.

Hopefully no one worried about the climate emergency is posting 50MB photos of polar bears without knowing how much energy it takes to maintain them on the 'cloud'.

If we went to a html list, perhaps we would install mailman 3 (we're on version 2), which comes with its own web based archive.

I noticed someone say that young people only want photos - dangerous thing with gardening, that perfect flower, took 10 years to bloom, and did not last much longer than how long it took to take the photo.

General Off-Topic / ChatGPT
February 10, 2023, 07:58:44 AM
Can anyone type galanthus nivalis into ChatGPT. I'm examining the case for laying off the wiki editors.

General Plants and Gardening / Plant websites
December 21, 2022, 09:44:11 AM
I got this message today. Interesting for the plants, also as a comparison to the PBS wiki.

"I run 3 homepages which combine a botanical key with pictures. My aim is to describe the Flora of Germany (, the ornamental plants of Germany ( and the Flora of the Alps and the Mediterranean from Greece to Portugal ("

General Off-Topic / Soccer World Cup 2022
November 18, 2022, 09:14:59 AM
In 2010 when the World Cup was in South Africa, Bob Ruetemoeller, remarked on the PBS list:

"I just found a reference for this new species named Moraea vuvuzela."

The Vuvuzela was the cheap musical instrument of that World Cup.

PBS Forum Feedback & Help / Alerts/email notifications
September 03, 2022, 04:19:43 AM
"Can this be set (like the SRGC) so I get notification of daily postings and just get a clickable list, not the full help page which I then have to navigate?"

So I set up SRGC forum and the PBS forum to send me a daily digest (your user name, top left -> Notifications), and I can see the problem you report.

I suspect the difference is that SRGC are on a slightly older version of the forum software than PBS, and whilst on SRGC everything is on one tab (or page if you like), on PBS there are three buttons

Notification Preferences

Watched Topics

Watched Boards

If you click on the link in a daily digest email you end up on the first of those tabs, and just have to click on one of the others.
PBS Forum Feedback & Help / Three things to know
August 07, 2022, 09:16:28 AM
You can see the latest posts here:

When you log in, select "forever" you'll never have to log in again.

Follow posts by email - use the Alerts and emails button at the right of boards and topics to select what you want to be notified about.