Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Mon, 09 Dec 2002 11:53:33 PST
Dear All,

It pleases me when our group spontaneously creates their own topic of the 
week which they have recently when Mary Wise's question generated such a 
lot of discussion. But it does leave me wondering if I should postpone the 
topic I had planned to slow down on traffic. Perhaps people can comment on 
this. Since this seems to be a very busy time of the year some of the 
topics I have planned do not require much of an introduction and that is 
giving some of those people who have offered to provide introductions for 
me a bit of breathing room. Here is what I have planned for the rest of the 

December 9th--Favorite Books
December 15th--Digital Photography of flowers--John Lonsdale is going to 
lead the discussion
December 23rd--Favorite URLS--If this one proves popular enough to continue 
through the holidays it will and other wise I'll start us off on a pick of 
mine, Triteleia, the following week.

Mary Sue

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