Ixia & Call for growing info

Joyce Miller onager@midtown.net
Mon, 08 Jul 2002 12:27:44 PDT
Dear Bill and All,
Re: Bill's question about why I recommended Ixia dubia over I. maculata on 
my recommendations to UC/D greenhouse.  I can't recall why I chose one over 
the other, especially since John Bryan(JB) had a photo in 'Bulbs' of I. 
maculata, but not I. dubia.  In general, I was "light" on Ixia selections 
because JB noted they were not considered frost hardy.  Please note, I. 
maculata was on my personal list.  Ernesto and I frequently share 
seeds.  Clever this.

Bill, this does not relieve you of sending me info on Massonia.  I would 
appeciation getting growing information for:
Daubenya, Gethyllis, Hessea, Massonia and Strumeria species.

Joyce E. Miller                   mailto:onager@midtown.net
859 56th Street,        Sacramento, California 95819-3319  USA
Zone 9A  Sacramento is in the Central Valley of California where 
temperatures are:
Summer highs 100+ degrees F.
Winter lows 27 degrees F.

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