germination from seed

Sat, 19 Oct 2002 23:58:37 PDT
Mary Sue,
further to your asking about germination from seed. I can report that Ixia
scillaris planted here in May last year has just flowered. The other Ixia that has flowered for me in one season was Ixia viridflora.

Also, Allium acuminatum, which I sowed  from the BX in 2000 is just coming
into bud and will flower soon. There is a picture of it my book "Taylors Guide to Bulbs" color says rose-purple, so can't wait to see it bloom. Hopefully will be able to post an image of it then.
Bill Richardson
0-21 Lovely days of Spring. Need rain desperately.
Ixia site http//
Suite 101 site http//

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