Hello Lauw: My suspicions about the commercially available Triteleias are that they are all the ones that offset like crazy, therefore are easy to propagate for them. T. hyacinthina is a wonderful Triteleia but has earned the reputation of being "weedy" because of its propensity to make bulbils. I grow about ten forms of T. hyacinthina, and none of them offset energetically. I think, therefore, that many of the most desirable forms are only going to be available from the small folks (like Telos) or can be grown from seed available from people like Ron Ratko at Northwest Native Seed or from the seed exchanges. I doubt it is truly profitable to grow a Triteleia that has limited marketability from seed, and wait four years for it to mature. Diana Telos Rare Bulbs --- diana chapman --- rarebulbs@earthlink.net