Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Thu, 23 Jan 2003 08:02:28 PST
Dear All,

I had planned for the topic of the week next week to be bulbs that can be grown in the ground for those of us who do not live in the Pacific Northwest. After the excellent responses that came in this week for the current topic I am thinking this could be a bit too broad. Maybe once a month we might do this topic for a different area and then all the information for that area would be in one place which could be a really helpful thing to anyone in that area who is just getting interested in adding bulbs to their garden. For example: Bulbs for Britain, Bulbs for Tasmania, Bulbs for the South, Bulbs for Mediterranean climates (although this one could be rather broad too), etc. Many of you are lurkers so I have no idea where you live to know how to divide this up.  Would people write me privately please at mailto:msittner@mcn.org and tell me what you think of this idea. Should I go ahead as planned or should I split it up to be discussed over the months ahead? And if you vote to split it up, please tell me how you'd like your area to be called and if you are willing to share what you can grow in the ground. Thanks so much. This is short notice since the topic is set for next week, but I aim to be flexible if it will make things better. Thanks to Diane for inspiring this idea.

Mary Sue
PBS List Administrator and TOW Coordinator

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