Rhodophiala images.

Den Wilson valden@vectis52.freeserve.co.uk
Fri, 28 Mar 2003 22:19:21 PST
Hello all,

With a little help from Mary Sue, I  have added the following images to the
Rhodophiala page:

Rhodophiala advena: Seedlings vary from the red form shown here to pale

Rhodophiala araucana: Summer-grower. Reported to be polyploid (2n=54). Seedlings have produced various shades from very pale-pink (near white) to peach and bright scarlet-red. Long-flowering. 

Rhodophiala chilense (yellow form): Summer-grower. In some forms the outer half of the
segments are stained with pink or red.

Rhodophiala elwesii: Spring-flowering. 


Den Wilson
Isle of Wight
Zone 8 (maritime) almost frost-free.

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