
Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Sun, 05 Dec 2004 08:42:59 PST
Dear John,

I grow S. canaliculata and S. serrata. I am fond of them both. S. serrata 
is smaller, but long blooming and quite charming in an understated way. I 
have found the Spiloxenes difficult from their small seed. A couple of them 
have germinated the first year and others in the second year, but not in 
great numbers. I am grateful to Julian Slade who donated seed to IBSA for 
two of the species I was able to get from seed to bloom.

We too have enjoyed seeing Spiloxene in the wild, even though we weren't 
always sure of which species we were seeing. I don't think any of our 
digitals of S. aquatica came out very well for the wiki, but Lauw took his 
shoes off and waded in the water and he might have been more successful.

Andrew Harvie from Australia who is not on our list (alas) has crossed S. 
capensis and canaliculata. He wrote on one of the Aussie lists they 
"produced some fantastic colours from even darker pink to mixed orangy pink 
flowers, also a yellow." He obviously knows how to grow them from seed.

Jim Duggan once wrote that S. serrata was one of his longest blooming bulbs 
which is why I wanted to grow it. On my database from last year I noted my 
two plants bloomed from February to April.

I've tried a couple of times to grow S. linearis from seed, but haven't had 
any germination.

Gordon Summerfield has been collecting different forms of Spiloxene 
capensis as he has found in the wild wide variation in color and markings.

Julian Slade awhile back on one of the Australian lists wrote that the 
Australian botanists still considered their "Spiloxenes" Hypoxis. Is this 
still so?

Does anyone grow Empodium? It looks like a fall blooming Spiloxene with 
pleated leaves. I don't grow it and can't remember seeing it offered.

Mary Sue

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