Recent Images on the Wiki #1

Mary Sue Ittner
Tue, 30 Mar 2004 20:56:10 PST
Dear All,

Judging from the nice notes I received privately and the ones on the list 
there are a number of you who really do want to know when new photos are 
added to the wiki. So I will be catching everyone up on some of the ones 
that have been added in the last few weeks. So as not to overwhelm you I'll 
announce a few every day. I'll probably miss some of them as once I've 
moved the files into folders it is harder for me to find the new ones. So 
here is the first batch:

Uli added some more photos of his Canarina canariensis…

Jane has added a picture of Anemone palmata.…
We have created a new wiki page for this genus and her photo needs some 

Jane also added a picture of Hyacinthella dalmatica so a new genus page was 
created for that as well. It is definitely a cutie but needs some company 
on that page.….

More tomorrow.

Mary Sue

PBS List Administrator, Wiki Worker, TOW Coordinator (Whew!)

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