Amaryllis belladonna on the wiki

Mary Sue Ittner
Fri, 08 Oct 2004 07:47:19 PDT
Hi all,

We have a lot of hybrid and cultivar pictures of Amaryllis belladonna on 
the wiki, but not much of the plain species. I added a picture my husband 
took of some we saw blooming a couple of weeks ago on one of our walks. As 
I have said before they have naturalized on California's North Coast and a 
lot of people who live here think they are native. Blooming as they were 
with the ocean in the background they were really beautiful. They were 
actually in someone's "natural" garden meaning that there wasn't a garden, 
mostly a few shrubs and brown grass since as Susan recently wrote some of 
us in California still haven't had any rain in a long time (May was the 
last time here except for heavy drizzle a few times during the summer and 
minutes of some rainfall this month that produced significant rainfall in 
other parts of the state.) I added the picture on the top of the page.…

Mary Sue 

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