PBS site migration

Dennis Kramb dkramb@badbear.com
Sat, 05 Mar 2005 08:12:28 PST
>Perhaps someone in our group who is more expert than I am can answer your 
>question. The first  reference I got on Google to Pacific Bulb Society had 
>the correct address, but the ones underneath did not, but if you clicked 
>on them you were immediately redirected.

Search engines like Google do something called "crawling the 
web".  Basically this is an automated "robot" that visits all the websites 
in the engine's database on a routine schedule.  It searches for changes, 
then likewise updates it's own database if anything new is found.  I'm not 
sure of the details, but I know that broken/redirected links could take a 
long time to drop off Google's database.  New pages/links generally appear 
within a few days (like the new Moraea photos that Arnold posted).

At any rate, given enough time Google will automatically catch itself up 
with all the recent changes to the PBS site, and all those old links will 
eventually disappear.

Dennis in Cincinnati

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