Lilium Pardalinum Seed

Jim McKenney
Sun, 22 Jan 2006 17:17:58 PST
David Griffiths, who was responsible for raising the 100,000 or so lily
seedlings from which a dozen or so clones were selected to be the named
Bellingham hybrid lilies of the early part of the twentieth century (and for
those of you who don't know them, the Bellingham hybrids almost certainly
have Lilium pardalinum in their background) certainly didn't take the time
to place each seed on its edge.

Griffiths' general recommendation was to scatter the seed in drills one inch
deep in August and to expect germination (i.e. leaves above ground) the
following spring. 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where some Lilium pardalinum
seed started last spring are still in the refrigerator, leaves and all. 

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