"master gardeners"

sekkei gardenersview@earthlink.net
Wed, 07 Jun 2006 16:03:23 PDT
I have always had a little problem with the master gardener program. I went
through the program many years ago, University of Illinois Ag. Extension
service. The term 'master' bothers me, most trades have several levels to
achieve before reaching the master status,(e.g. apprentice, journeyman,
etc.). There are many good programs out there but where they should be
cautious is handing out advice. Many home gardeners look to this program to
solve problems and sometimes get bad to almost inert advice. I had a friend
relate a story about some advice he received. He was advised to go to Home
Depot and get the bottle with the blue label to control whiteflies on his
peach tree. That was it "look for the blue bottle". Huh? Please understand
I'm not denigrating the whole program it probably just needs careful
managing in certain areas. Sorry had to vent.

Terence Hernstrom
Director, Gardens & Grounds
Kimberly Crest House and Gardens
Redlands CA

Where spring bulbs are browning and summer bulbs are emerging or showing
buds, in summer like weather!

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