New to the group

James Frelichowski
Thu, 30 Nov 2006 05:36:46 PST
Hello Jacob:
  Welcome.  Boy you sure pick the awesome places to live.  I lived in Illinois, then the other side of CA (near Bakersfield) before moving to College Station, Texas.  I am solely into Hippeastrum.
  Good luck with Botany studies!
  James Frelichowski
Jacob Knecht <> wrote:
  Hello everyone,

I just joined the PBS mailing list, though I have been
reading the
archives intermittently for the past few years.

I have had an avid interest in plants beginning at a
very young age
and started growing bulbs when I was 6. Amaryllids
have a firm hold
on my heart and my most favourite genera are
Brunsvigia and

I grew up in Southern California, spent a few years in
Portugal, Cape
Verde Islands, and now I live in Honolulu, Hawai'i. I
worked as a
Landscape Designer in Los Angeles and Orange Counties
for 5 years but
now I am 27 years old and enrolled in school studying
for a career as
a botanist.

Besides bulbs I grow many orchids (mostly vandaceous
and angraecoids),
rare palms, cycads and native plants. Most of my bulb
collection is
in Santa Barbara, California where a dear friend takes
care of them.

I am happy to begin participating in the group!


Jacob Knecht

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