Hi, There are a lot of new people who have joined our group recently. Welcome Jacob and thanks for introducing yourself. We hope a lot of the rest of you will do so as well. I suspect Lamon may have tried, but perhaps sent his message as formatted text instead of straight text as it came in blank. I hope he'll try again. I'm going to take this opportunity to ask AGAIN that for the sake of the digest subscribers and the archives please do not include the previous message you are responding to when you reply. Delete it first or before you send the message out. If you must make reference to the previous message you may leave a couple lines or make note of what you are responding to in your reply. I hate to keep harping on this, but I just don't have time to write each person privately about this as it is happening so often. I am sure that all the digest subscribers would be thrilled if people would follow this rule. Many thanks.